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Little bodies, Big feelings

Mindfulness can help kiddos learn to identify feelings and develop tools to best navigate fear, anger, pain, sadness and worry. 

Playing with Sand

Small actions repeated daily make a huge impact

Listen, momma (or papa), we get it. 

We know you feel slammed and adding more sounds downright ridiculous. 

 But, trust us on this one.

Give this a chance for a bit. There's no goal; no requirement.

Just do the best you can. Add some awareness practice when you're able.

That's it.

Think of it like reading a new bedtime story each night. You slowly, simply add an exercise into your regular daily activities (brushing teeth, eating, walking, driving) and over time, you'll notice a shift. As you invite your kiddos to be in this moment, you pull them out of shame, guilt, anxiety and worry. 

You invite them into self-compassion.

You give them a tool no one can take away.

Pretty cool, huh?

Image by Nate Johnston
Image by Kristin Brown
Woman cutting fruit

Get Started

Try our Mindful Kiddo Podcast - in about 10 minutes

you can learn more about mindfulness or

do an activity with your kiddo.

Great to use on your drive to and from school!

Lots of mindfulness-based books for kids are now widely available. Learn which book(s) seems to have the right feel for your kiddo and your family situation.


There are a growing number of events and activity guides available for free for families, as well as some programs and materials you can purchase. Check out this ever-growing list to find what speaks to you!

If you're ready to start some mindfulness activities at home, HERE-NOW kits provide a set of tools for your child to dive in and experience being in the present moment.

Sign up for our newsletter to hear when kits are available.



"My pre-teen daughter was experiencing panic attacks at home and at school that were deeply impacting her life. We started a program of breathing, mindfulness and therapy. She no longer has attacks at school, and her anxiety at home has reduced significantly.

Tom, 39

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